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The Dreadful Dragon of Dartmouth

Director: Jamey Miller
Playwright/Producer: Phil Schroeder
Choreographer: Cami Del Guercio
Music Director: Euphina Yap
Technical Director: Danielle Ibrahim

The Dreadful Dragon of Dartmouth was my first foyer into theatrical education and collaborating with a playwright. This original TYA (theatre for young audiences) musical centered around a young man named Palumon whose uncle had hidden a magical chalice. Legend said the chalice held water from the Fountain of Youth, which could return an aging person to perfect health. Palumon must find the chalice to save his sick mother, but outside forces such as King Edward IV and the evil Mayor Raddich are searching for the exact same chalice, which is being protected by a not-so-ferocious dragon.

I directed two different casts of 24 fifth and sixth graders from the Pierce School in Brookline every afternoon. Throughout the rehearsal process, I stressed the importance of self-expression through performance and led exercises in improvisation, physicality, vocalization, and teamwork.

With less than 24 hours until opening night, Brookline Public Schools cancelled the production to keep children and families safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.



